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Delete playlist, including m3u file.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def delete(name):
    """ Delete playlist, including m3u file. """
    del g.userpl[name]
    os.remove(os.path.join(g.PLFOLDER, name + '.m3u'))


Open playlists. Called once on script invocation.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def load():
    """ Open playlists. Called once on script invocation. """
        # Loop through all files ending in '.m3u'
        for m3u in [m3u for m3u in os.listdir(g.PLFOLDER) if m3u[-4:] == '.m3u']:
            g.userpl[m3u[:-4]] = read_m3u(os.path.join(g.PLFOLDER, m3u))

    except FileNotFoundError:
        # No playlist folder, create an empty one
        if not os.path.isdir(g.PLFOLDER):
            g.userpl = {}

    # remove any cached urls from playlist file, these are now
    # stored in a separate cache file

    do_save = False

    for k, v in g.userpl.items():
        for song in v.songs:
            if hasattr(song, "urls"):
                util.dbg("remove %s: %s", k, song.urls)
                del song.urls
                do_save = True

    if do_save:


Processes an m3u file into a Playlist object.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def read_m3u(m3u):
    """ Processes an m3u file into a Playlist object. """
    name = os.path.basename(m3u)[:-4]
    songs = []
    expect_ytid = False

    with open(m3u, 'r') as plf:
        if plf.readline().startswith('#EXTM3U'):
            for line in plf:
                if line.startswith('#EXTINF:') and not expect_ytid:
                    duration, title = line.replace('#EXTINF:', '').strip().split(',', 1)
                    expect_ytid = True
                elif not line.startswith('\n') and not line.startswith('#') and expect_ytid:
                        expect_ytid = False
                        ytid = pafy.extract_video_id(line).strip()
                        songs.append(Video(ytid, title, int(duration)))
                    except ValueError as ex:
                        util.dbg(c.r + str(ex) + c.w)
        # Handles a simple m3u file which should just be a list of urls
            for line in plf:
                if not line.startswith('#'):
                        p = util.get_pafy(line)
                        songs.append(Video(p.videoid, p.title, p.length))
                    except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                        util.dbg(c.r + "Error loading video: " + str(e) + c.w)

    return Playlist(name, songs)


Save playlists. Called each time a playlist is saved or deleted.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def save():
    """ Save playlists.  Called each time a playlist is saved or deleted. """
    for pl in g.userpl:
        with open(os.path.join(g.PLFOLDER, pl+'.m3u'), 'w') as plf:
            for song in g.userpl[pl].songs:
                plf.write('#EXTINF:%d,%s\n' % (song.length, song.title))
                plf.write('\n' % song.ytid)

    util.dbg(c.r + "Playlist saved\n---" + c.w)