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Generate list of playlists.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def generate_playlist_display():
    """ Generate list of playlists. """

    if not g.ytpls:
        g.message = c.r + "No playlists found!"
        return logo(c.g) + "\n\n"
    g.rprompt = page_msg(g.current_page)

    cw = getxy().width
    fmtrow = "%s%-5s %s %-12s %-8s  %-2s%s\n"
    fmthd = "%s%-5s %-{}s %-12s %-9s %-5s%s\n".format(cw - 36)
    head = (c.ul, "Item", "Playlist", "Author", "Updated", "Count", c.w)
    out = "\n" + fmthd % head

    for n, x in enumerate(g.ytpls):
        col = (c.g if n % 2 == 0 else c.w)
        length = x.get('size') or "?"
        length = "%4s" % length
        title = x.get('title') or "unknown"
        author = x.get('author') or "unknown"
        updated = yt_datetime(x.get('updated'))[1]
        title = uea_pad(cw - 36, title)
        out += (fmtrow % (col, str(n + 1), title, author[:12], updated, str(length), c.w))

    return out + "\n" * (5 - len(g.ytpls))

generate_songlist_display(song=False, zeromsg=None)

Generate list of choices from a song list.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def generate_songlist_display(song=False, zeromsg=None):
    """ Generate list of choices from a song list."""
    # pylint: disable=R0914
    if g.browse_mode == "ytpl":
        return generate_playlist_display()

    max_results = getxy().max_results

    if not g.model:
        g.message = zeromsg or "Enter /search-term to search or [h]elp"
        return logo(c.g) + "\n\n"
    g.rprompt = page_msg(g.current_page)

    have_meta = all(x.ytid in g.meta for x in g.model)

    user_columns = _get_user_columns() if have_meta else []
    maxlength = max(x.length for x in g.model)
    lengthsize = 8 if maxlength > 35999 else 7
    lengthsize = 6 if maxlength < 6000 else lengthsize
    reserved = 9 + lengthsize + len(user_columns)
    cw = getxy().width
    cw -= 1
    title_size = cw - sum(1 + x['size'] for x in user_columns) - reserved
    before = [{"name": "idx", "size": 3, "heading": "Num"},
              {"name": "title", "size": title_size, "heading": "Title"}]
    after = [{"name": "length", "size": lengthsize, "heading": "Length"}]
    columns = before + user_columns + after

    for n, column in enumerate(columns):
        column['idx'] = n
        column['sign'] = "-" if not column['name'] == "length" else ""

    fmt = ["%{}{}s  ".format(x['sign'], x['size']) for x in columns]
    fmtrow = fmt[0:1] + ["%s  "] + fmt[2:]
    fmt, fmtrow = "".join(fmt).strip(), "".join(fmtrow).strip()
    titles = tuple([x['heading'][:x['size']] for x in columns])
    hrow = c.ul + fmt % titles + c.w
    out = "\n" + hrow + "\n"

    for n, x in enumerate(g.model[:max_results]):
        col = (c.r if n % 2 == 0 else c.p) if not song else c.b
        details = {'title': x.title, "length": fmt_time(x.length)}
        details = copy.copy(g.meta[x.ytid]) if have_meta else details
        otitle = details['title']
        details['idx'] = "%2d" % (n + 1)
        details['title'] = uea_pad(columns[1]['size'], otitle)
        #cat = details.get('category') or '-'
        #details['category'] = 'pafy.get_categoryname(cat)'
        details['ytid'] = x.ytid
        line = ''

        for z in columns:
            fieldsize, field, direction = z['size'], z['name'], "<" if z['sign'] == "-" else ">"
            line += uea_pad(fieldsize, details[field], direction)
            if not columns[-1] == z:
                line += "  "

        col = col if not song or song != g.model[n] else c.p
        line = col + line + c.w
        out += line + "\n"

    return out + "\n" * (5 - len(g.model)) if not song else out

Return text logo.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def logo(col=None, version=""):
    """ Return text logo. """
    col = col if col else random.choice((c.g, c.r, c.y, c.b, c.p, c.w))
    logo_txt = r"""                      _         _          
                     | |       | |         
  _   _  _____      _| |_ _   _| |__   ___ 
 | | | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __| | | | '_ \ / _ \
 | |_| |  __/\ V  V /| |_| |_| | |_) |  __/
  \__, |\___| \_/\_/  \__|\__,_|_.__/ \___|
   __/ |                                   

    version = " v" + version if version else ""
    logo_txt = col + logo_txt + c.w + version
    lines = logo_txt.split("\n")
    length = max(len(x) for x in lines)
    x, y, _ = getxy()
    indent = (x - length - 1) // 2
    newlines = (y - 12) // 2
    indent, newlines = (0 if x < 0 else x for x in (indent, newlines))
    lines = [" " * indent + l for l in lines]
    logo_txt = "\n".join(lines) + "\n" * newlines
    return "" if g.debug_mode or g.no_textart else logo_txt


Format information about currently displayed page to a string.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def page_msg(page=0):
    """ Format information about currently displayed page to a string. """
    if isinstance(g.content, PaginatedContent):
        page_count = g.content.numPages()
        page_count = math.ceil(g.result_count/getxy().max_results)

    if page_count > 1:
        pagemsg = "{}{}/{}{}"
        #start_index = max_results * g.current_page
        return pagemsg.format('<' if page > 0 else '[',
                              "%s%s%s" % (c.y, page+1, c.w),
                              '>' if page + 1 < page_count else ']')
    return None


Produce a list of all playlists.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def playlists_display():
    """ Produce a list of all playlists. """
    if not g.userpl:
        g.message = F("no playlists")
        return generate_songlist_display() if g.model else (logo(c.y) + "\n\n")

    maxname = max(len(a) for a in g.userpl)
    out = "      {0}Local Playlists{1}\n".format(c.ul, c.w)
    start = "      "
    fmt = "%s%s%-3s %-" + str(maxname + 3) + "s%s %s%-7s%s %-5s%s"
    head = (start, c.b, "ID", "Name", c.b, c.b, "Count", c.b, "Duration", c.w)
    out += "\n" + fmt % head + "\n\n"

    for v, z in enumerate(sorted(g.userpl)):
        n, p = z, g.userpl[z]
        l = fmt % (start, c.g, v + 1, n, c.w, c.y, str(len(p)), c.y,
                   p.duration, c.w) + "\n"
        out += l

    return out