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Search channel based on keyword / query provided by user

Source code in mps_youtube/
def channel_search(query):

    Search channel based on keyword / query provided by user

    channelsSearch = ChannelsSearch(query, limit=50, region='US')
    return channelsSearch.result()['result']

download_video(ytid, folder)

Given a youtube video id and target folder, this function will download video to that folder

Source code in mps_youtube/
def download_video(ytid, folder):

    Given a youtube video id and target folder, this function will download video to that folder

    ytdl_format_options = {
        'outtmpl': os.path.join(folder, '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s')

    with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options) as ydl:'' % ytid)
        return True


Extract the video id from a url, return video id as str.

Source code in mps_youtube/
def extract_video_id(url):
    """ Extract the video id from a url, return video id as str. """
    idregx = re.compile(r'[\w-]{11}$')
    url = str(url).strip()

    if idregx.match(url):
        return url # ID of video

    if '://' not in url:
        url = '//' + url
    parsedurl = urlparse(url)
    if parsedurl.netloc in ('', '', '', ''):
        query = parse_qs(parsedurl.query)
        if 'v' in query and idregx.match(query['v'][0]):
            return query['v'][0]
    elif parsedurl.netloc in ('', ''):
        vidid = parsedurl.path.split('/')[-1] if parsedurl.path else ''
        if idregx.match(vidid):
            return vidid

    err = "Need 11 character video id or the URL of the video. Got %s"
    raise ValueError(err % url)


Get all videos of a playlist identified by playlist_id

Source code in mps_youtube/
def get_playlist(playlist_id):

    Get all videos of a playlist identified by playlist_id

    playlist = Playlist.get('' % playlist_id)
    return playlist


given a youtube video id returns different video / audio stream formats'

Source code in mps_youtube/
def get_video_streams(ytid):

    given a youtube video id returns different video / audio stream formats' \

    with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL({'logger':MyLogger()}) as ydl:
        info_dict = ydl.extract_info(ytid, download=False)
        return [i for i in info_dict['formats'] if i.get('format_note') != 'storyboard']

Returns all playlists having similar names as keyword / query provided

Source code in mps_youtube/
def playlist_search(query):

    Returns all playlists having similar names as keyword / query provided

    playlistsSearch = PlaylistsSearch(query, limit=50)
    return playlistsSearch.result()['result']

search_videos(query, pages)

Given a keyword / query this function will return youtube video results against those keywords / query

Source code in mps_youtube/
def search_videos(query, pages):

    Given a keyword / query this function will return youtube video results against those keywords / query

    videosSearch = VideosSearch(query, limit=50)
    wdata = videosSearch.result()['result']
    for i in range(pages-1):
    return wdata