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Open and prompt for download of youtube best audio from url.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'daurl\s(.*[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{11}.*)', 'daurl')
def da_url(url):
    """ Open and prompt for download of youtube best audio from url. """
    g.browse_mode = "normal"

    if len(g.model) == 1:
        download("da", "1")

    if g.command_line:


Open and prompt for download of youtube video url.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'dlurl\s(.*[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{11}.*)', 'dlurl')
def dl_url(url):
    """ Open and prompt for download of youtube video url. """
    g.browse_mode = "normal"

    if len(g.model) == 1:
        download("download", "1")

    if g.command_line:

down_many(dltype, choice, subdir=None)

Download multiple items.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(da|dv)\s+((?:\d+\s\d+|-\d+|\d+-|\d+,)(?:[\d\s,-]*))', 'da', 'dv')
def down_many(dltype, choice, subdir=None):
    """ Download multiple items. """
    choice = util.parse_multi(choice)
    choice = list(set(choice))
    downsongs = [g.model[int(x) - 1] for x in choice]
    temp = g.model[::]
    g.model.songs = downsongs[::]
    count = len(downsongs)
    av = "audio" if dltype.startswith("da") else "video"
    msg = ""

    def handle_error(message):
        """ Handle error in download. """
        g.message = message
        g.content = disp

        for song in downsongs:
            g.result_count = len(g.model)
            disp = content.generate_songlist_display()
            title = "Download Queue (%s):%s\n\n" % (av, c.w)
            disp = re.sub(r"(Num\s*?Title.*?\n)", title, disp)
            g.content = disp

                filename = _make_fname(song, None, av=av, subdir=subdir)

            except IOError as e:
                handle_error("Error for %s: %s" % (song.title, str(e)))
                count -= 1

            except KeyError:
                handle_error("No audio track for %s" % song.title)
                count -= 1

                _download(song, filename, url=None, audio=av == "audio")

            except HTTPError:
                handle_error("HTTP Error for %s" % song.title)
                count -= 1

            msg = "Downloaded %s items" % count
            g.message = "Saved to " + c.g + song.title + c.w

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        msg = "Downloads interrupted!"

        g.model.songs = temp[::]
        g.message = msg
        g.result_count = len(g.model)
        g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

down_plist(dltype, parturl)

Download YouTube playlist.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(da|dv)pl\s+%s' % PL, 'dapl', 'dvpl')
def down_plist(dltype, parturl):
    """ Download YouTube playlist. """

    title = g.pafy_pls[parturl][0].title
    # Remove double quotes for convenience
    subdir = util.sanitize_filename(title.replace('"', ''))
    down_many(dltype, "1-", subdir=subdir)
    msg = g.message
    g.message = msg

down_user_pls(dltype, user)

Download all user playlists.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(da|dv)upl\s+(.*)', 'daupl', 'dvupl')
def down_user_pls(dltype, user):
    """ Download all user playlists. """
    for i in g.ytpls:
        down_plist(dltype, i.get('link'))


download(dltype, num)

Download a track or playlist by menu item number.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(dv|da|d|dl|download)\s*(\d{1,4})', 'da', 'dv', 'd', 'dl', 'download')
def download(dltype, num):
    """ Download a track or playlist by menu item number. """
    # This function needs refactoring!
    # pylint: disable=R0912
    # pylint: disable=R0914
    if g.browse_mode == "ytpl" and dltype in ("da", "dv"):
        plid = g.ytpls[int(num) - 1]["link"]
        down_plist(dltype, plid)

    elif g.browse_mode == "ytpl":
        g.message = "Use da or dv to specify audio / video playlist download"
        g.message = c.y + g.message + c.w
        g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

    elif g.browse_mode != "normal":
        g.message = "Download must refer to a specific video item"
        g.message = c.y + g.message + c.w
        g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

    screen.writestatus("Fetching video info...")
    song = (g.model[int(num) - 1])

    # best = dltype.startswith("dv") or dltype.startswith("da")
    # if not best:
    #     try:
    #         # user prompt for download stream
    #         url, ext, url_au, ext_au = prompt_dl(song)
    #     except KeyboardInterrupt:
    #         g.message = c.r + "Download aborted!" + c.w
    #         g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()
    #         return
    #     if not url or ext_au == "abort":
    #         # abort on invalid stream selection
    #         g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()
    #         g.message = "%sNo download selected / invalid input%s" % (c.y, c.w)
    #         return
    #     else:
    #         # download user selected stream(s)
    #         filename = _make_fname(song, ext)
    #         args = (song, filename, url)
    #         if url_au and ext_au:
    #             # downloading video and audio stream for muxing
    #             audio = False
    #             filename_au = _make_fname(song, ext_au)
    #             args_au = (song, filename_au, url_au)
    #         else:
    #             audio = ext in ("m4a", "ogg")
    #         kwargs = dict(audio=audio)
    # elif best:
    #     # set updownload without prompt
    #     url_au = None
    #     av = "audio" if dltype.startswith("da") else "video"
    #     audio = av == "audio"
    #     filename = _make_fname(song, None, av=av)
    #     args = (song, filename)
    #     kwargs = dict(url=None, audio=audio)

        # perform download(s)
        # dl_filenames = [args[1]]
        # f = _download(*args, **kwargs)
        success = pafy.download_video(song.ytid, config.DDIR.get)
        if success:
            g.message = "Saved \'" + song.title + "\' to " + c.g + config.DDIR.get + c.w

        # if url_au:
        #     dl_filenames += [args_au[1]]
        #     _download(*args_au, allow_transcode=False, **kwargs)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        g.message = c.r + "Download halted!" + c.w

        # try:
        #     for downloaded in dl_filenames:
        #         os.remove(downloaded)
        # except IOError:
        #     pass

    # if url_au:
    #     # multiplex
    #     name, ext = os.path.splitext(args[1])
    #     tmpvideoname = name + '.' +str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) + ext
    #     os.rename(args[1], tmpvideoname)
    #     mux_cmd = [g.muxapp, "-i", tmpvideoname, "-i", args_au[1], "-c",
    #                "copy", name + ".mp4"]
    #     try:
    #         g.message = "Saved to :" + c.g + mux_cmd[7] + c.w
    #         os.remove(tmpvideoname)
    #         os.remove(args_au[1])
    #     except KeyboardInterrupt:
    #         g.message = "Audio/Video multiplex aborted!"

    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

external_download(song, filename, url)

Perform download using external application.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def external_download(song, filename, url):
    """ Perform download using external application. """
    cmd = config.DOWNLOAD_COMMAND.get
    ddir, basename = config.DDIR.get, os.path.basename(filename)
    cmd_list = shlex.split(cmd)

    def list_string_sub(orig, repl, lst):
        """ Replace substrings for items in a list. """
        return [x if orig not in x else x.replace(orig, repl) for x in lst]

    cmd_list = list_string_sub("%F", filename, cmd_list)
    cmd_list = list_string_sub("%d", ddir, cmd_list)
    cmd_list = list_string_sub("%f", basename, cmd_list)
    cmd_list = list_string_sub("%u", url, cmd_list)
    cmd_list = list_string_sub("%i", song.ytid, cmd_list)
    util.dbg("Downloading using: %s", " ".join(cmd_list))


Try to determine metadata from video title.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def extract_metadata(name):
    """ Try to determine metadata from video title. """
    seps = name.count(" - ")
    artist = title = None

    if seps == 1:

        pos = name.find(" - ")
        artist = name[:pos].strip()
        title = name[pos + 3:].strip()

        title = name.strip()

    return dict(artist=artist, title=title)

gen_dl_text(ddata, song, p)

Generate text for dl screen.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def gen_dl_text(ddata, song, p):
    """ Generate text for dl screen. """
    hdr = []
    hdr.append("  %s%s%s" % (c.r, song.title, c.w))
    author =
    hdr.append(c.r + "  Uploaded by " + author + c.w)
    hdr.append("  [" + util.fmt_time(song.length) + "]")

    heading = tuple("Item Format Quality Media Size Notes".split())
    fmt = "  {0}%-6s %-8s %-13s %-7s   %-5s   %-16s{1}"
    heading = [fmt.format(c.w, c.w) % heading]

    content = []

    for n, d in enumerate(ddata):
        row = (n + 1, d['ext'], d['quality'], d['mediatype'], d['size'],
        fmt = "  {0}%-6s %-8s %-13s %-7s %5s Mb   %-16s{1}"
        row = fmt.format(c.g, c.w) % row


    footer = "Select [%s1-%s%s] to download or [%sEnter%s] to return"
    footer = [footer % (c.y, len(content) - 1, c.w, c.y, c.w)]
    return(content, hdr, heading, footer)

get_dl_data(song, mediatype='any')

Get filesize and metadata for all streams, return dict.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def get_dl_data(song, mediatype="any"):
    """ Get filesize and metadata for all streams, return dict. """
    def mbsize(x):
        """ Return size in MB. """
        return str(int(x / (1024 ** 2)))

    p = util.get_pafy(song)
    dldata = []
    text = " [Fetching stream info] >"
    streamlist = [x for x in p.allstreams]

    if mediatype == "audio":
        streamlist = [x for x in p.audiostreams]

    l = len(streamlist)
    for n, stream in enumerate(streamlist):
        sys.stdout.write(text + "-" * n + ">" + " " * (l - n - 1) + "<\r")

            size = mbsize(stream.get_filesize())

        except TypeError:
            util.dbg(c.r + "---Error getting stream size" + c.w)
            size = 0

        item = {'mediatype': stream.mediatype,
                'size': size,
                'ext': stream.extension,
                'quality': stream.quality,
                'notes': stream.notes,
                'url': stream.url}


    return dldata, p

menu_prompt(model, prompt=' > ', rows=None, header=None, theading=None, footer=None, force=0)

Generate a list of choice, returns item from model.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def menu_prompt(model, prompt=" > ", rows=None, header=None, theading=None,
                footer=None, force=0):
    """ Generate a list of choice, returns item from model. """
    content = ""

    for x in header, theading, rows, footer:
        if isinstance(x, list):

            for line in x:
                content += line + "\n"

        elif isinstance(x, str):
            content += x + "\n"

    g.content = content

    choice = input(prompt)

    if choice in model:
        return model[choice]

    elif force:
        return menu_prompt(model, prompt, rows, header, theading, footer,

    elif not choice.strip():
        return False, False

    else:  # unrecognised input
        return False, "abort"


Prompt user do choose a stream to dl. Return (url, extension).

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def prompt_dl(song):
    """ Prompt user do choose a stream to dl.  Return (url, extension). """
    # pylint: disable=R0914
    dl_data, p = get_dl_data(song)
    dl_text = gen_dl_text(dl_data, song, p)

    model = [x['url'] for x in dl_data]
    ed = enumerate(dl_data)
    model = {str(n + 1): (x['url'], x['ext']) for n, x in ed}
    url, ext = menu_prompt(model, "Download number: ", *dl_text)
    url2 = ext2 = None
    mediatype = [i for i in dl_data if i['url'] == url][0]['mediatype']

    if mediatype == "video" and g.muxapp and not config.DOWNLOAD_COMMAND.get:
        # offer mux if not using external downloader
        dl_data, p = get_dl_data(song, mediatype="audio")
        dl_text = gen_dl_text(dl_data, song, p)
        au_choices = "1" if len(dl_data) == 1 else "1-%s" % len(dl_data)
        footer = [util.F('-audio') % ext, util.F('select mux') % au_choices]
        dl_text = tuple(dl_text[0:3]) + (footer,)
        aext = ("ogg", "m4a")
        model = [x['url'] for x in dl_data if x['ext'] in aext]
        ed = enumerate(dl_data)
        model = {str(n + 1): (x['url'], x['ext']) for n, x in ed}
        prompt = "Audio stream: "
        url2, ext2 = menu_prompt(model, prompt, *dl_text)

    return url, ext, url2, ext2

remux_audio(filename, title)

Remux audio file. Insert limited metadata tags.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def remux_audio(filename, title):
    """ Remux audio file. Insert limited metadata tags. """
    util.dbg("starting remux")
    temp_file = filename + "." + str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
    os.rename(filename, temp_file)
    meta = extract_metadata(title)
    metadata = ["title=%s" % meta["title"]]

    if meta["artist"]:
        metadata = ["title=%s" % meta["title"], "-metadata",
                    "artist=%s" % meta["artist"]]

    cmd = [g.muxapp, "-y", "-i", temp_file, "-acodec", "copy", "-metadata"]
    cmd += metadata + ["-vn", filename]

        with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
  , stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    except OSError:
        util.dbg("Failed to remux audio using %s", g.muxapp)
        os.rename(temp_file, filename)

        util.dbg("remuxed audio file using %s" % g.muxapp)

transcode(filename, enc_data)

Re encode a download.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def transcode(filename, enc_data):
    """ Re encode a download. """
    base = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    exe = g.muxapp if g.transcoder_path == "auto" else g.transcoder_path

    # ensure valid executable
    if not exe or not os.path.exists(exe) or not os.access(exe, os.X_OK):
        util.xprint("Encoding failed. Couldn't find a valid encoder :(\n")
        return filename

    command = shlex.split(enc_data['command'])
    newcom, outfn = command[::], ""

    for n, d in enumerate(command):

        if d == "ENCODER_PATH":
            newcom[n] = exe

        elif d == "IN":
            newcom[n] = filename

        elif d == "OUT":
            newcom[n] = outfn = base

        elif d == "OUT.EXT":
            newcom[n] = outfn = base + "." + enc_data['ext']

    returncode =

    if returncode == 0 and g.delete_orig:

    return outfn