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ListView (PaginatedContent)

Content Agnostic Numbered List

This class, using ListViewItems as abstractions you can give it a list of data and which columns to show and it will show it.


Currently we rely on the commands/play code to send information about which elements are being picked.

Column format: {"name": "idx", "size": 3, "heading": "Num"} name: The method name that will be called from the ListViewItem !!! size "How much size is allocated to the columns," see ListView.content for more information about the dynamic options heading: The text shown in the header

"idx" is generated in the content function, not by the ListViewItem
Source code in mps_youtube/listview/
class ListView(content.PaginatedContent):
    """ Content Agnostic Numbered List

        This class, using ListViewItems as abstractions you can
        give it a list of data and which columns to show and it will
        show it.

            Currently we rely on the commands/play code to send information
            about which elements are being picked.

            func        The function that will be run on the selected items
            objects     List of objects(or a ContentQuery object)
            columns     A list of Hashes containing information about which
                        columns to show
            page        Current Page

        Column format:
            {"name": "idx", "size": 3, "heading": "Num"}
            name:    The method name that will be called from the ListViewItem
            size:    How much size is allocated to the columns,
                     see ListView.content for more information about
                     the dynamic options
            heading: The text shown in the header

            "idx" is generated in the content function, not by the ListViewItem
    func = None
    objects = None
    columns = None
    page = 0

    def __init__(self, columns, objects, function_call=None):
        """ """
        self.func = function_call
        self.objects = objects
        self.columns = columns
        self.object_type = None

        # Ensure single type of object
        types = len(set([obj.__class__ for obj in objects]))
        if types == 0:
            raise BaseException("No objects in list")
        if types > 1:
            raise BaseException("More than one kind of objects in list")

        self.object_type = [obj.__class__ for obj in objects][0]

    def numPages(self):
        """ Returns # of pages """
        return max(1, math.ceil(len(self.objects) / self.views_per_page()))

    def getPage(self, page): = page
        return self.content()

    def _page_slice(self):
        chgt = self.views_per_page()
        return slice( * chgt, ( * chgt)

    def content(self):
        """ Generates content

            Dynamic fields

            Column.size may instead of an integer be a string
            containing either "length" or "remaining".

            Length is for time formats like 20:40
            Remaining will allocate all remaining space to that

            TODO: Make it so set columns can set "remaining" ?
        # Sums all ints, deal with strings later
        remaining = (util.getxy().width) - sum(1 + (x['size'] if x['size'] and x['size'].__class__ == int else 0) for x in self.columns) - (len(self.columns))
        lengthsize = 0
        if "length" in [x['size'] for x in self.columns]:
            max_l = max((getattr(x, "length")() for x in self.objects))
            lengthsize = 8 if max_l > 35999 else 7
            lengthsize = 6 if max_l < 6000 else lengthsize

        for col in self.columns:
            if col['size'] == "remaining":
                col['size'] = remaining - lengthsize
            if col['size'] == "length":
                col['size'] = lengthsize

        for num, column in enumerate(self.columns):
            column['idx'] = num
            column['sign'] = "-" if not column['name'] == "length" else ""

        fmt = ["%{}{}s  ".format(x['sign'], x['size']) for x in self.columns]
        fmtrow = fmt[0:1] + ["%s  "] + fmt[2:]
        fmt, fmtrow = "".join(fmt).strip(), "".join(fmtrow).strip()
        titles = tuple([x['heading'][:x['size']] for x in self.columns])
        out = "\n" + (c.ul + fmt % titles + c.w) + "\n"

        for num, obj in enumerate(self.objects[self._page_slice()]):
            col = (c.r if num % 2 == 0 else c.p)
            idx = num + (self.views_per_page() * + 1

            line = ''
            for column in self.columns:
                fieldsize, field = column['size'], column['name']
                direction = "<" if column['sign'] == "-" else ">"

                if field == "idx":
                    field = "%2d" % idx

                    field = getattr(obj, field)(fieldsize)
                    field = str(field) if field.__class__ != str else field

                line += util.uea_pad(fieldsize, field, direction)

                if column != self.columns[-1]:
                    line += "  "

            line = col + line + c.w
            out += line + "\n"

        return out

    def _play(self, _, choice, __):  # pre, choice, post
        """ Handles what happends when a user selects something from the list
            Currently this functions hooks into commands/play

        uids = []
        for splitted_choice in choice.split(","):
            cho = splitted_choice.strip()
            if cho.isdigit():
                uids.append(int(cho) - 1)
                cho = cho.split("-")
                if cho[0].isdigit() and cho[1].isdigit():
                    uids += list(range(int(cho[0]) - 1, int(cho[1])))

        var = getattr(self.object_type, "return_field")()
        self.func([getattr(self.objects[x], var)() for x in uids])

    def views_per_page(self):
        """ Determines how many views can be per page
        return util.getxy().max_results


Generates content

=============== Dynamic fields ===============

Column.size may instead of an integer be a string containing either "length" or "remaining".

Length is for time formats like 20:40 Remaining will allocate all remaining space to that column.

TODO: Make it so set columns can set "remaining" ?

Source code in mps_youtube/listview/
def content(self):
    """ Generates content

        Dynamic fields

        Column.size may instead of an integer be a string
        containing either "length" or "remaining".

        Length is for time formats like 20:40
        Remaining will allocate all remaining space to that

        TODO: Make it so set columns can set "remaining" ?
    # Sums all ints, deal with strings later
    remaining = (util.getxy().width) - sum(1 + (x['size'] if x['size'] and x['size'].__class__ == int else 0) for x in self.columns) - (len(self.columns))
    lengthsize = 0
    if "length" in [x['size'] for x in self.columns]:
        max_l = max((getattr(x, "length")() for x in self.objects))
        lengthsize = 8 if max_l > 35999 else 7
        lengthsize = 6 if max_l < 6000 else lengthsize

    for col in self.columns:
        if col['size'] == "remaining":
            col['size'] = remaining - lengthsize
        if col['size'] == "length":
            col['size'] = lengthsize

    for num, column in enumerate(self.columns):
        column['idx'] = num
        column['sign'] = "-" if not column['name'] == "length" else ""

    fmt = ["%{}{}s  ".format(x['sign'], x['size']) for x in self.columns]
    fmtrow = fmt[0:1] + ["%s  "] + fmt[2:]
    fmt, fmtrow = "".join(fmt).strip(), "".join(fmtrow).strip()
    titles = tuple([x['heading'][:x['size']] for x in self.columns])
    out = "\n" + (c.ul + fmt % titles + c.w) + "\n"

    for num, obj in enumerate(self.objects[self._page_slice()]):
        col = (c.r if num % 2 == 0 else c.p)
        idx = num + (self.views_per_page() * + 1

        line = ''
        for column in self.columns:
            fieldsize, field = column['size'], column['name']
            direction = "<" if column['sign'] == "-" else ">"

            if field == "idx":
                field = "%2d" % idx

                field = getattr(obj, field)(fieldsize)
                field = str(field) if field.__class__ != str else field

            line += util.uea_pad(fieldsize, field, direction)

            if column != self.columns[-1]:
                line += "  "

        line = col + line + c.w
        out += line + "\n"

    return out


Returns # of pages

Source code in mps_youtube/listview/
def numPages(self):
    """ Returns # of pages """
    return max(1, math.ceil(len(self.objects) / self.views_per_page()))


Determines how many views can be per page

Source code in mps_youtube/listview/
def views_per_page(self):
    """ Determines how many views can be per page
    return util.getxy().max_results