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Show entire playlist.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(un)?dump', 'dump', 'undump')
def dump(un):
    """ Show entire playlist. """
    func, args = g.last_search_query

    if func is paginatesongs:
        paginatesongs(dumps=(not un), **args)

        un = "" if not un else un
        g.message = "%s%sdump%s may only be used on an open YouTube playlist"
        g.message = g.message % (c.y, un, c.w)
        g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

nextprev(np, page=None)

Get next / previous search results.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def nextprev(np, page=None):
    """ Get next / previous search results. """
    if isinstance(g.content, content.PaginatedContent):
        page_count = g.content.numPages()
        function = g.content.getPage
        args = {}
        page_count = math.ceil(g.result_count/util.getxy().max_results)
        function, args = g.last_search_query

    good = False

    if function:
        if np == "n":
            if g.current_page + 1 < page_count:
                g.current_page += 1
                good = True

        elif np == "p":
            if page and int(page) in range(1,20):
                g.current_page = int(page)-1
                good = True

            elif g.current_page > 0:
                g.current_page -= 1
                good = True

    if good:
        function(page=g.current_page, **args)

        norp = "next" if np == "n" else "previous"
        g.message = "No %s items to display" % norp

    if not isinstance(g.content, content.PaginatedContent):
        g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()
    return good

paginatesongs(func, page=0, splash=True, dumps=False, length=None, msg=None, failmsg=None, loadmsg=None)

A utility function for handling lists of songs, so that the pagination and the dump command will work properly.

:param func: Either a function taking a start and end index, or a slicable object. Either way, it should produce an iterable of :class:mps_youtube.playlist.Video objects. :param page: The page number to display :param splash: Whether or not to display a splash screen while loading. :param dumps: Used by :func:dump command to load all songs, instead of only those that fit on a page :param length: The total number of songs. It it is not provided, len(func) will be used instead. :param msg: Message to display after loading successfully :param failmsg: Message to display on failure (if no songs are returned by func :param loadmsg: Message to display while loading :type page: int :type splash: bool :type dumps: bool :type length: int :type msg: str :type failmsg: str :type loadmsg: str

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
def paginatesongs(func, page=0, splash=True, dumps=False,
        length=None, msg=None, failmsg=None, loadmsg=None):
    A utility function for handling lists of songs, so that
    the pagination and the dump command will work properly.

    :param func: Either a function taking a start and end index,
        or a slicable object. Either way, it should produce an iterable
        of :class:`mps_youtube.playlist.Video` objects.
    :param page: The page number to display
    :param splash: Whether or not to display a splash screen while
    :param dumps: Used by :func:`dump` command to load all songs, instead
        of only those that fit on a page
    :param length: The total number of songs. It it is not provided,
        ``len(func)`` will be used instead.
    :param msg: Message to display after loading successfully
    :param failmsg: Message to display on failure (if no songs are
        returned by func
    :param loadmsg: Message to display while loading
    :type page: int
    :type splash: bool
    :type dumps: bool
    :type length: int
    :type msg: str
    :type failmsg: str
    :type loadmsg: str
    if splash:
        g.message = loadmsg or ''
        g.content = content.logo(col=c.b)

    max_results = util.getxy().max_results

    if dumps:
        s = 0
        e = None
        s = page * max_results
        e = (page + 1) * max_results

    if callable(func):
        songs = func(s, e)
        songs = func[s:e]

    if length is None:
        length = len(func)

    args = {'func':func, 'length':length, 'msg':msg,
            'failmsg':failmsg, 'loadmsg': loadmsg}
    g.last_search_query = (paginatesongs, args)
    g.browse_mode = "normal"
    g.current_page = page
    g.result_count = length
    g.model.songs = songs
    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()
    g.last_opened = ""
    g.message = msg or ''
    if not songs:
        g.message = failmsg or g.message

    if songs:
        # preload first result url
        streams.preload(songs[0], delay=0)


Retrieve YouTube playlist.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'pl\s+%s' % PL, 'pl')
def plist(parturl):
    """ Retrieve YouTube playlist. """

    if parturl in g.pafy_pls:
        ytpl, plitems = g.pafy_pls[parturl]
        util.dbg("%sFetching playlist using pafy%s", c.y, c.w)
        ytpl = pafy.get_playlist(parturl)
        plitems = util.IterSlicer(ytpl['videos'])
        g.pafy_pls[parturl] = (ytpl, plitems)

    def pl_seg(s, e):
        return [Video(i['id'], i['title'], util.parse_video_length(i['duration'])) for i in plitems[s:e]]

    msg = "Showing YouTube playlist %s" % (c.y + ytpl['info']['title'] + c.w)
    loadmsg = "Retrieving YouTube playlist"
    paginatesongs(pl_seg, length=len(ytpl['videos']), msg=msg, loadmsg=loadmsg)


Reverse order of entire loaded playlist.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'reverse all', 'reverse all')
def reverse_playlist():
    """ Reverse order of entire loaded playlist. """
    # Prevent crash if no last query
    if g.last_search_query == (None, None) or \
            'func' not in g.last_search_query[1]:
        g.content = content.logo()
        g.message = "No playlist loaded"

    songs_list_or_func = g.last_search_query[1]['func']
    if callable(songs_list_or_func):
        songs = reversed(songs_list_or_func(0,None))
        songs = reversed(songs_list_or_func)

    g.message = c.y + "Reversed entire playlist" + c.w
    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()


Reverse order of displayed items.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'reverse', 'reverse')
def reverse_songs():
    """ Reverse order of displayed items. """
    g.model.songs = g.model.songs[::-1]
    g.message = c.y + "Reversed displayed songs" + c.w
    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

reverse_songs_range(lower, upper)

Reverse the songs within a specified range.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'reverse\s*(\d{1,4})\s*-\s*(\d{1,4})\s*', 'reverse')
def reverse_songs_range(lower, upper):
    """ Reverse the songs within a specified range. """
    lower, upper = int(lower), int(upper)
    if lower > upper: lower, upper = upper, lower

    g.model.songs[lower-1:upper] = reversed(g.model.songs[lower-1:upper])
    g.message = c.y + "Reversed range: " + str(lower) + "-" + str(upper) + c.w
    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()


Shuffle displayed items.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'shuffle', 'shuffle')
def shuffle_fn():
    """ Shuffle displayed items. """
    g.message = c.y + "Items shuffled" + c.w
    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

songlist_mv_sw(action, a, b)

Move a song or swap two songs.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(mv|sw)\s*(\d{1,4})\s*[\s,]\s*(\d{1,4})', 'mv', 'sw')
def songlist_mv_sw(action, a, b):
    """ Move a song or swap two songs. """
    i, j = int(a) - 1, int(b) - 1

    if action == "mv":
        g.model.songs.insert(j, g.model.songs.pop(i))
        g.message = util.F('song move') % (g.model[j].title, b)

    elif action == "sw":
        g.model[i], g.model[j] = g.model[j], g.model[i]
        g.message = util.F('song sw') % (min(a, b), max(a, b))

    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()

songlist_rm_add(action, songrange)

Remove or add tracks. works directly on user input.

Source code in mps_youtube/commands/
@command(r'(rm|add)\s*(-?\d[-,\d\s]{,250})', 'rm', 'add')
def songlist_rm_add(action, songrange):
    """ Remove or add tracks. works directly on user input. """
    selection = util.parse_multi(songrange)

    if action == "add":
        duplicate_songs = []
        for songnum in selection:
            if g.model[songnum - 1] in
  [songnum - 1])

        d =
        g.message = util.F('added to pl') % (len(selection), len(, d)
        if duplicate_songs:
            duplicate_songs = ', '.join(sorted(duplicate_songs))
            g.message += '\n'
            g.message += util.F('duplicate tracks') % duplicate_songs

    elif action == "rm":
        selection = sorted(set(selection), reverse=True)
        removed = str(tuple(reversed(selection))).replace(",", "")

        for x in selection:
            g.model.songs.pop(x - 1)
       * util.getxy().max_results + x - 1)
            except IndexError:

        g.message = util.F('songs rm') % (len(selection), removed)

    g.content = content.generate_songlist_display()